As a Physiotherapist who has spent a lot of time in Orthopaedic hospitals and clinics, I have seen hundreds if not thousands of Knee Replacements. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly and through all this experience one thing has become clear to me – if you want a successful outcome youContinue Reading »
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Stairs, Slopes And Going To The Cinema Really Hurt My Knee
Just as I thought everyone’s knee’s were holding out gliding through the marathon training season at the start of the year with minimal knee issues walking through the door at the clinic, I’ve suddenly been hit by a spree of knee pain hassled people… I’m sure it’s contagious – stay safe! 😉 The summer has beenContinue Reading »
Will I Do More Damage If I Exercise With Arthritis?
Here’s Aaron’s latest article on Osteoarthritis, why you get pain and stiffness and what to do about it for the best… Very commonly in clinic I am presented with an arthritic joint and explaining the condition to my clients they pose the question; so should I not exercise now? Will I be making it worse? Osteoarthritis isContinue Reading »
Feeling At A Loss With Arthritis? To Exercise Or Not To Exercise? Surgery Or Not To Have Surgery?
In clinic we have been hearing a lot of people confused and worried about whether they should exercise if they have arthritis. We have heard some clients mention that they rest and avoid exercise when they experience pain from arthritis. We have also worryingly heard that many clients regard arthritis as something they have no control over andContinue Reading »
Have you ever been told you have slipped a disc? Myths and 5 top cures talked about discs… here!
At WDC Physiotherapy we see a LOT of clients struggling with back pain and I mean a lot! At least 75% of our week, every week, is filled with people who have bad back. We see people with achy backs through to those in agony who literally drag themselves in to the clinic. As it’s theContinue Reading »
6 Top Tips Unlocked That Healthy People Use To Stay Active, Mobile and Motivated!
It’s the end of 2018, the presents are about to be opened, turkey eaten and mulled wine is a plenty… With motivation shrinking and tummies growing, it’s that time of year when we all start thinking about how things will change in 2019. For a lot of people this involves promises of new fitness regimes, improvingContinue Reading »
Neck Pain – What You Are Doing Right Now Could Be Causing Or Aggravating It.
If you are reading this it’s likely that you are currently struggling with neck pain, know someone who is, or you’ve had it in the past and don’t want it returning any time soon as you remember how awful it was. Most people blame sleeping funny or sitting in a draft as the cause of neckContinue Reading »
9 Top Benefits Of Getting A Regular Massage…Can You Afford Not To?
A lot of people have a massage as a treat on holiday or a girls spa day but massage should not be considered a luxury. Have you ever had a massage?… …If the answer is no you will want to read on as regular massage has significant health and well-being benefits. You may be surprised what aContinue Reading »
Is Driving Becoming A Pain? 5 Top Tips To Help Alleviate Back Pain Whilst Driving
Driving is something most of us need to do, whether it to get us to and from work, you may be the family taxi, you may drive as part of your job or you may have a long drive coming up to go see family or go on holiday and are dreading it due toContinue Reading »
Discover Top Tips To Start Easing Your Headache Today!
We all get them from time to time but for some headaches are a regular occurrence! I’ve certainly noticed that as I am working more at a computer I get a shedload more headaches than I used to and to the point where they have woken me up at 2am. Sound like you? Well IContinue Reading »