Therapeutic Massage

This Page Is Dedicated To The Person Who Is Stressed Out, Suffering Aches And Pains, Tension Headaches And Wants To Find A Solution to Put An End To The Effects Of Their Current Hectic Lifestyle.

Therapeutic Massage

The Dangers Of The “I’ll See How Things Go” Approach

We’ve all said it and we’ve all done it! And the outcome is…..things never change!

You are going about life quite nicely and then suddenly one day you notice things aren’t quite right. You may think “it’s nothing it will go away on it’s own” or “I slept funny” or “I sat in a draft”. These are just a few of the things we tell ourselves as we do not want to admit something is wrong.

How many of us have ignored aches and pains for years and are now still suffering? You have accepted this is the way life is now you are getting older. You definitely do not have to accept this. You too can have a life full of zest and energy and one where you make time for yourself and have some “me” time and get those niggles sorted once and for all. How good would that be to get a healthy, active lifestyle back and begin to enjoy life once again? It would feel good right?

We at WDC Physiotherapy understand where you want to be in life. You want to move away from constantly feeling tired, stressed and having to live with muscles so tight that you know in your heart, it’s only a matter of time before something more sinister happens to your health as a result.

How do we know this? Because we’ve been doing this for so long now and have seen too many people end up with chronic pain conditions that need physiotherapy treatment or more to help get them out of the mess they have ended up in.

It’s very difficult to solve these problems on your own. And most people, if left to their own devices, NEVER really get anything done about it and so the problems build!

We have some great news for you! – Our team can work with you 1 on 1 for one week, or as many weeks as you need to get this sorted. Our sessions together will help you achieve that easier and happier way of living – much FASTER than you ever could on your own.

We hear things like:

“But Wendy, I’d like to see how I feel in a few days and take it from there”

I am going to get straight to the point here: Muscle aches, joint pains, frequent headaches, experiencing tension, feeling constantly tired and having difficulty relaxing, struggling to get off to sleep at night…

Every one of these are warning signals from your body telling you that something is wrong and that something must be done and done soon. Taking painkillers, sleeping pills or other medication to mask these signals is rarely the best solution and will end up giving you other internal health problems in the not too distant future.

That route of the “magic pill’ is full of side effects that no man or women wants to live with.

And what about those unwanted “knots” in your neck and shoulder muscles causing that tension you feel on a daily basis. Struggling with muscle tension creates an unhealthy and awkward looking posture…which sets your body up for all sorts of pain conditions such as headaches and shoulder pain not to mention ‘zapping’ your energy too as you don’t sleep well at night and the frustration of being in constant daily pain will get you down at some point meaning your friends and family will likely see you become less happy.

Sound familiar to you? If so, our team can take care of all of this for you.

We have a lots of treatment techniques we can use to help you sooth those tight muscles, ease that tension and get you moving as you should. As our physio team carry out the massage sessions they will be able to identify quickly where the real problem is with your body and find the tension points causing the stress which is stopping you from getting back to the life you once had.

Here Is What You Can Expect If You Hire Us

  • We will use our expert hands on techniques to end muscle tension, unlock joint stiffness and help stop it from coming back anytime soon. We will mix and match all of these to create for you the perfect treatment session.
  • Discover a simple yet dramatic change you can make to the way you sit and sleep that can decrease the stiffness & tension you will feel by half.
  • Learn about the curious truth about stretching correctly (Hint: Most GP’s don’t even know about this and once you do – tension and tightness will be a thing of your past).
  • The easiest and most effective ways to carry on the relaxation at home – We’ll show you what to muscles to rub and release and how, so as to give your self an on demand “professional treatment” at home.
  • We’ll guide you through the key components of any long term successful stress and tension reduction programme …transforming your body from being weak and tired, back into being the flexible, easy to move and ready to use when you choose body that it was designed to be.
  • Discover the simple changes you can quickly and easy make to the way that you work – saving on years of unwanted stiffness.

You’ll Be SHOCKED At How Good You’ll Feel In Just A Few DAYS From Now!

Deep Therapeutic Massage is very natural, proven, much more enjoyable and relaxing and certainly better for your health than any form of medication. And that’s just for starters.

Just think of how good you’ll feel living like this:

  • Feeling refreshed with vital oxygen and nutrients ‘wizzing’ round your body lifting your energy and boosting vitality – imagine how good life would be with this happening for you.
  • Why, if you are 40+ and like to stay active and FED up of feeling less mobile than you used to be and are not happy to settle for the option of rest and painkillers, offered to you by your GP that we could be your best option.
  • Be able to walk around thinking more clearly and feeling much more positive about life because of the new and improved state of mind you’re now in as you are in less stress, less muscle tension and less aches and pains.
  • Spending time with family and friends finally knowing that you’re able to really enjoy it because you’re NOT going to be pent up with stress, tension or nagging aches.
  • Be able to go places and do MORE things with your children (or grandchildren) because you’re able to get a good nights sleep free from muscle aches and pains and the worry it causes.
  • Feel your body perform with better efficiency meaning you can resist or recover from illness or disease, injury or strenuous activity much more quickly then before.
  • Enjoy socialising with friends and family knowing your not going to be sharing with them any more tales of stress, moaning about aches or pains, tiredness or ill health.

And there’s More benefits of some “ME TIME” with us…

  • Ease those nagging annoying headaches and migraines with our specialist hands on muscle release techniques and top tips to take away and use in the office and at home.
  • Feel the natural benefits of therapeutic massage meaning no more frustrating trips to the GP to be told there is nothing that can be done and no more visits to the pharmacy for toxic pills that never get to the root cause of the problem anyway.
  • Replace that fatigue with energy! – if you’re frequently tired…feel drained at end of the day and yet when you try to sleep you frequently wake in the night meaning you wake tired yet again…then you’ll find that a regular therapeutic massage can make a HUGE, positive difference to your life meaning more energy left in the tank for after work play time with your friends or family.
  • We will provide you with the hope that comes with feeling less haggard, less tired, less limited and most of all, less OLD!…
  • Learn how to avoid neck and shoulder pain from sitting at a computer and how to avoid that back pain that rears it’s ugly head periodically after you finish cleaning the bathroom, changing the bedding or washing the car (to name a few things).

If You Act NOW… Get This BIG Surprise Bonus Too.

This is the bonus that lasts a whole month: How about we give you the exclusive chance to join in on another way for you to further reduce stress and tension?

And with it, improve your posture, help you look and feel even healthier with FREE access to one of the best Pilates classes in Essex.

Here's the deal: When you book one of our massage visits, we’ll ask our team to offer you 6 free classes after a successful Induction for £51 (RRP £126). Book today as spaces are limited. 

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