Ouch, what’s wrong with my shoulder? Shoulder pain has always been something that brings a lot of people into a Physiotherapy clinic. As Physiotherapist that has worked in both the NHS and Private sector, I can confirm it is a very common problem. But more recently there has been a big increase in people coming to seeContinue Reading »
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Author: Wendy
Avoiding Trips, Slips and Broken Hips…The Hazards at Home!!!
If anyone tells you they have never fallen over, that is a lie!!! We all fall over. Children, adults and older adults will all fall over from time to time. In fact, at least one third of adults 65 and older fall each year in the United Kingdom and of these at least 20-30% ofContinue Reading »
The Truth About Growing Pains In Kids
Kids hurt themselves…its how they learn. Climbing, running, jumping, skipping, hopping and scooting their way around the world!! And sometimes they fall, or crash into things and the inevitable tears, bruises and scrapes occur – and then swiftly heal and are forgotten about. But what about those aches and pains that happen when they haven’t fallenContinue Reading »
FIBROMYALGIA – Do You Have It Or Know Someone That Has It?
Recently in clinic we have had a bout of current clients and new people contacting us regarding Fibromyalgia. Either they have been diagnosed with it or know someone that has and are curious to what the condition is or what the best way to deal with it is. What Actually Is Fibromyalgia? The first thing toContinue Reading »
Don’t Fall For It!!
We need to talk about falls. There are a lot of folks out there that think that falls are just an inevitable part of getting older. After all it does cost us all £2.3 billion a year!! It’s a big cause of hospital admissions. But falls being inevitable is just not true. It is correct that fallsContinue Reading »
Is Surgery The Best Route For Meniscus Tears?
So last time I talked about what a meniscus is, it’s role in the knee, the types of injuries that can occur to it and the way it can be injured. In this article I am going to give you the what to do about an injured/damaged meniscus. A highly debated topic regarding knee meniscus injuriesContinue Reading »
You Mean I Don’t Have To Have Had An Injury To Tear My Knee Cartilage
Our meniscus are horse-shoe shaped cartilage structures which sit on top of our tibia (shin bone) and joined to it by a ligament called the Coronary ligament. The meniscus play a crucial role in shock absorption in the knee which helps to decrease the stress on the articular cartilage which covers the ends of ourContinue Reading »
Should I Have A Knee Replacement? …That Is The Million Dollar Question!
As a Physiotherapist who has spent a lot of time in Orthopaedic hospitals and clinics, I have seen hundreds if not thousands of Knee Replacements. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly and through all this experience one thing has become clear to me – if you want a successful outcome youContinue Reading »
Stairs, Slopes And Going To The Cinema Really Hurt My Knee
Just as I thought everyone’s knee’s were holding out gliding through the marathon training season at the start of the year with minimal knee issues walking through the door at the clinic, I’ve suddenly been hit by a spree of knee pain hassled people… I’m sure it’s contagious – stay safe! 😉 The summer has beenContinue Reading »
Will I Do More Damage If I Exercise With Arthritis?
Here’s Aaron’s latest article on Osteoarthritis, why you get pain and stiffness and what to do about it for the best… Very commonly in clinic I am presented with an arthritic joint and explaining the condition to my clients they pose the question; so should I not exercise now? Will I be making it worse? Osteoarthritis isContinue Reading »