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Motivation: Why it’s ok You Don’t Have it, and how you can Still Achieve Your Goals.


Replacing motivation with routine (and your own personal dream team)

  • “This year I’m going to really get on top of my fitness.”
  • “Now that Christmas is over, I can focus on my health.”
  • “For the whole of January, I’m going to be really good.”

Let’s be real. We all have these thoughts. These promises that are so easy to fantasise about but a whole different ball game when it comes to putting them into practice. We can daydream for hours about what it would feel like to be the fittest, healthiest best version of ourselves, but no matter how much we really want it, and we do really want it, the idea never quite gets off of the ground.

The buzz word? Motivation. You really want to make changes but you don’t have the energy or the willpower. You’re too tired. You don’t have the brain space to think about making change because it feels too much. It’s too overwhelming. And so, naturally, nothing ever comes of those dreams and plans you made for yourself. Everything stays the same.

In January especially, everyone reflects on what they want their life to be like in the coming year. It’s a lot easier to stay ‘on track’ because you’re really close to the trigger point of deciding to make that change. The further away you get from the ‘trigger point’, the harder it is to stay on track, and when life presents problems like having no time and no energy, staying motivated is more and more difficult. No wonder we want to give up, and seek the comfort of the familiar which requires less brain power and is therefore much easier.

You may even go as far as feeling ashamed of yourself for not being able to make those changes or stick to those new habits you wanted to form for yourself. Are you lazy? Are you in a depressive slump? Why can’t you look after yourself? Are you a bad person?

I’d like to suggest an alternative theory.

Maybe you are someone who hasn’t found the right formula for you yet. Maybe what’s stopping you isn’t a lack of willpower, but that you haven’t found the right routine. The beauty of relying on a routine rather than motivation is that it removes the thinking power from your decision making process about what to do and when to do it, which makes habits easier to stick to. There’s a plan.

Maybe, as someone who doesn’t know anything about health or fitness, it would be good if you had a team of people around you who did know what would be good for you and would love to help? (Like, really love to help, honestly, they get a proper buzz from it.

Whatever you’re looking for help with - and believe me, we have something for everyone - we can help you achieve your goals by replacing your motivation with routine and a dream team of professionals who have your back.

Enter WDC Physiotherapy.

Despite the name, we actually do an awful lot more than physiotherapy, although, to be fair, we do a lot of that too. We can help with pain and injuries with physio, of course, but we’re also big believers in maintaining health and fitness through our other services too - Pilates classes, EMS Whole Body Training and Massage treatments. Building sessions with us into your weekly routine will help remove the brain power, stress and negative thinking that can sometimes be associated with health and fitness journeys, making your goals much easier to achieve.

Other top tips for helping you stay on track with your health and fitness goals?

Habit Stacking

Science says (or really, James Clear in his book ‘Atomic Habits’ says) that we stick to routines better when we attach them to habits we already have. Here at WDC, we’re open Monday to Thursday from 8am til 8pm and Friday and Saturday 8am til 4pm, so you can fit in some physio on your way to, or way back home from work, come to a Pilates class before picking up the kids from school, or fit in an EMS Whole Body Workout session or massage on the weekend before doing the weekly shop. Our services can be booked around your schedule so we can find the best time to ‘habit stack’ a session with us.


If the only person we’re answerable to is ourselves, it can be tough to keep promises. We let ourselves off the hook, give in to temptation to stray from our path or simply get distracted by something shiny and new and direct our energy off into a different direction. I’m totally holding my hand up to that last one actually, that’s me all over. With a team on our side, we’re no longer alone. It’s not all up to us. There is always someone to ask for advice, someone who we don’t want to let down, someone who will phone and see if we’re ok if we don’t turn up to a scheduled appointment… Accountability is a vital and often overlooked part of staying on track with our goals.

Removing the Morality from Health and Fitness

You may have noticed certain phrases I’ve used throughout this post, all around our thought patterns when it comes to achieving health and fitness goals. We often talk about how we’ve been ‘good’ or ‘bad’ in sticking to plans and honestly, that’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself. As we mentioned before, more pressure only leads to feeling more overwhelmed, which leads to us abandoning our goals but also, it’s just not true. No one is good or bad based on their health. So, let’s remove the morality in our thinking and just say that being as healthy or fit as we want to be, or could be, isn’t good or bad. It’s just what it is; being as healthy and fit as we want to be, or can be. 

If you want to get started on your health and fitness journey, you can give the clinic a ring on 01702 613542 and speak to one of the team about the benefits of any or all of our services!

Looking for more information on our services before you get in touch? Have a look through our ‘Services’ tabs above.



Wendy founded WDC in September 2006. She has worked in both the public and private sectors. Within the NHS, Wendy worked as a Senior Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and an Extended Scope Practitioner Physiotherapist as part of an Orthopaedic Consultant’s team specialising in Shoulder Pain. Wendy has treated royalty for Shoulder pain through referrals from her close links with a top Orthopaedic Shoulder Surgeon. More recently, Wendy has been the sole choice physiotherapist for all Essex-based referrals from London Shoulder surgeon Mr Matthew Sala. Wendy also worked within the national rugby union as the head physiotherapist for Southend Rugby Football Club. She led the medical service at the club for 11 years, working with players who achieved county honours and representative honours for various countries such as England, Samoa, Australia, and New Zealand.
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