Sports Massage

Here’s How ANY Sports Person Can End The Frustration Of Being Left Behind Or Not Achieving Those Goals, AND Even Put A Stop To The ‘FEAR’ That So Often Comes With Running, Cycling Or Playing Again, After Injury, Lack Of Progress With Tight Muscles And NOT Being 100% Fit Enough Do It!!….. Sports Massage is able to help with these aches and pains and speed up the recovery process.

Sports Massage

Anyone who has ever participated in a sporting activity, trained for an event, or gone to the gym will understand the aches and pains that are caused from physical exercise.

Sports Massage at WDC Physiotherapy is done by our team of Physiotherapists & Sports Therapists. The reason people choose us for their massage needs is that they know they can access our expert injury advice whilst having their massage. So you are getting double the value!

Our team are always more than happy to answer any questions you may have about aches, pains or an injury.

Using a combination of skillful techniques, our massage helps to stimulate blood flow, release muscle tension and relieve pain and stiffness.

Below Is a list of the most common ways a sports massage can help

  • Relieve back and neck stiffness and pain
  • Reduce tension in neck and shoulders
  • Aid recovery of those legs after an event or heavy training session
  • Ease hamstring tightness
  • Improve flexibility of hips
  • Resolve tight calf muscles
  • Reduce injury risk by breaking down old scar tissue

Regular massage can help to prevent muscle imbalance and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Regular massage can help to prevent muscle imbalance and reduce the risk of future injuries.

As well as the benefits for sports people, massage can help alleviate the muscle tension related to stress or occupational problems such as working at a computer.

Our Sports Massages are 50 minutes long.

To book a sports massage appointment with one of our Physios please call the clinic on 01702 613542. or you can email us at

Concerned Sports Massage Will Be Too Hard For You? Want A More Gentle, Nice Massage?

The best thing about a nice massage is that you don’t have to be a sportsman/woman to enjoy one. Anyone can benefit form a relaxing, soothing massage. If this is more along the lines of the type of massage you are looking for from one of our physiotherapists then our Therapeutic Massage option is best for you.

The real benefits of a nice massage are:

  • Relax tight, stiff, aching neck and shoulder muscles
  • Ease the aches and pain of back stiffness
  • Ease the aches and pain of back stiffness
  • Release tension in the neck and reduce headaches
  • Invigorate tired muscles
  • Relax and destress after a hard week at work
  • Time back for you to recharge the battery

Sound nice? Our Massage sessions are 50 minutes in length.

To Book Please call us on 01702 613542 or email us at

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