So last time I talked about what a meniscus is, it’s role in the knee, the types of injuries that can occur to it and the way it can be injured. In this article I am going to give you the what to do about an injured/damaged meniscus. A highly debated topic regarding knee meniscus injuriesContinue Reading »
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Category: Surgery
Should I Have A Knee Replacement? …That Is The Million Dollar Question!
As a Physiotherapist who has spent a lot of time in Orthopaedic hospitals and clinics, I have seen hundreds if not thousands of Knee Replacements. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly and through all this experience one thing has become clear to me – if you want a successful outcome youContinue Reading »
Feeling At A Loss With Arthritis? To Exercise Or Not To Exercise? Surgery Or Not To Have Surgery?
In clinic we have been hearing a lot of people confused and worried about whether they should exercise if they have arthritis. We have heard some clients mention that they rest and avoid exercise when they experience pain from arthritis. We have also worryingly heard that many clients regard arthritis as something they have no control over andContinue Reading »