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Sleep… Why It’s So Important For Your health!



Sleep…..we get loads of it as a baby……12+ hours a night! Wow wouldn’t that be bliss as an adult!

Most people are lucky if they get the standard 8 hours a night. Stress, pain, illness, worry, family, work these are all reasons why some of us don’t get as much sleep as we should and why we are not feeling as tip top in our health as we want and should be.

Sleep is FREE! And it’s the one thing that if you get more of it that can give your health that all important boost.

All health experts agree that sleep is a great healer, no questions ever asked to challenge this statement.

It is thought that 1 in 3 of us don’t get enough sleep, now that’s an alarming amount of people. Lack of sleep doesn’t just make us grumpy, moody or unable to perform at your best but it can have serious health consequences.

Poor or lack of sleep on a regular basis puts you at risk of weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, makes you age quicker and shortens your life expectancy. What a fun lucky dip that bucket is!

Am sure those of you reading this article would agree that this kind of life isn’t one anyone would want.


Let’s dive in to more detail about what a lack of sleep will do to you…


 1. You will catch more colds


Ever wondered why you seem to get every flu bug or cold that’s going…well a lack of sleep could be the culprit. Sleep boosts your immunity.

2. Want to lose weight but can’t despite trying various diets and the gym?


Studies have shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a night tend to gain more weight than those who get a good 8 hours sleep.

Why is this?…. It is thought that those who can’t sleep have lower levels of leptin (the chemical that makes you feel full) and increased levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone).

So if you always find yourself feeling hungry….ask yourself if you get enough sleep.

3. Are you craving sugary foods?


Studies have suggested that people who sleep less than five hours a night have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Lacking sleep could mean you develop an increase in blood sugar levels making you feel low in energy and craving sugary things.


 4. Look after your heart


Not getting enough sleep can produce higher levels of chemicals linked to inflammation which may put extra strain on your heart. Getting a good night slumber will help lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate.

5. Been feeling ratty for no reason?


Think about it. You are normally love sleep but are out late one night and don’t get your usual 8 hours. You feel irritable and moody the next day, anyone relate to this? Yep we all have had this experience.

Well chronic sleep deprivation may lead to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Studies have shown that for most who suffer with anxiety and depression they slept for 6 or less hours a night.


So as you can see we have many risks from not getting enough sleep and the above should be enough to make us all sit up and do something about it, but why do we find it so hard to improve our sleep behaviours?

Well televisions, mobile phones, lights, noise and a bad mattress or bed in the bedroom are not helping the situation. We all think, including me that winding down watching the tv or surfing the net is helping us to relax and get ready for a good night sleep but it isn’t as it keeps our brains active.



So How Do You Get A Good Night Sleep?


I’ve learnt there is only one way to sort out a lack of sleep….and that’s to get more of it. One early night will not cure your sleeping woes if you have had months or years of struggling to get a good night sleep. Expect the recovery of sleep deprivations to take several weeks.



Sleep at regular times


Unless you work shift work, keep bed time to set hours. This will programme your brain and internal body clock to get used to a set time to rest.

Most adults need 6-9 hours sleep every night.


Go to sleep when you are tired


We all do it including me. I feel tired start to fall asleep in the lounge in front of the tv. I should go to bed but I don’t as I want to see that ever so important programme (what am I thinking when we live in a world that has catch up tv!).

Instead of falling asleep in the lounge take yourself up to bed when you feel tired and actually go to sleep, and allow your body to wake you up in the morning when it is ready (not the alarm clock).


Have some wind down time


A warm bath will help your body reach a temperature that’s ideal for rest.

Write a to do list for the next day so you don’t wake up thinking about all the things you need to get done.

Try relaxation exercises such a light stretching to help relax the muscles. Going to the gym for Body Combat is not ideal before bed as it will have the opposite effect.

Relaxation CDs or apps on your phone. There are lots of good apps out there with relaxation sessions, meditation and or sleep stories that work brilliantly to help send you off in to the land of nod.

Read a book – this will distract your mind and will help your mind relax.



Turn that boudoir in to a sleep haven


Your bedroom needs to be a relaxing place so unclutter it if it needs it.

Ditch the TV, mobile phone and other electronic gadgets as they will give off a light and keep your brain active.

Get some blackout blinds and thick curtains to make the room dark.

Make sure your mattress and bed is comfortable and not noisy.

Try keeping your bedroom at a temperatue of 18-24°C. Being too hot or too cold will play havoc with your inner sleeping beauty.



So there you have it, the reasons why a good night sleep is so vital to your health and well-being and what to do to get a good night sleep.


Some of you work shifts so will think all of this is easier said than done but apply the same principles of creating the right environment and getting a relaxation routine going and this can work for you too. Like many others I am a mummy of a toddler so don’t always get a full night sleep and once my daughter is in bed I want some “me” time but getting to bed early is a must to if you want to be happier, healthier and feeling more energised and fulfilled in life so let’s put us and our health first!


Happy sleeping!

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About Wendy McCloud

Wendy is the founder of The South East’s Leading Specialist Private Physiotherapy Practice for People in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, who want to keep healthy and active.

Wendy’s background includes working as an Extended Scope Practitioner Physiotherapist working as part of Mr. Ali Al-Sabti’s Orthopaedic Consultant’s team specialising in Shoulder Pain.

Wendy has treated royalty for Shoulder pain through referrals from her close links with a top Orthopaedic Shoulder Surgeons. More recently Wendy has been the sole choice physiotherapist for all Essex based referrals from London Shoulder surgeon Mr. Matthew Sala.

Wendy worked in National Level Rugby Union for 11 years, working with players who achieved county honours and representative honours for various countries such as England, Samoa, Australia and New Zealand. Wendy resigned from her position as Head Physiotherapist at Southend RFC in June 2011 to open WDC which has become the fastest growing clinic in the South East of England.

WDC is now a large multi-therapist speciality practice in Southend-on-Sea, Essex.

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Wendy founded WDC in September 2006. She has worked in both the public and private sectors. Within the NHS, Wendy worked as a Senior Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and an Extended Scope Practitioner Physiotherapist as part of an Orthopaedic Consultant’s team specialising in Shoulder Pain. Wendy has treated royalty for Shoulder pain through referrals from her close links with a top Orthopaedic Shoulder Surgeon. More recently, Wendy has been the sole choice physiotherapist for all Essex-based referrals from London Shoulder surgeon Mr Matthew Sala. Wendy also worked within the national rugby union as the head physiotherapist for Southend Rugby Football Club. She led the medical service at the club for 11 years, working with players who achieved county honours and representative honours for various countries such as England, Samoa, Australia, and New Zealand.
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